The Lion of Judah Church
The Lion of Judah Church
Pastor: Cristoforo Padula Cantor:Judith Bassett
Pastor: Cristoforo Padula Cantor:Judith Bassett
We of the Christian family of The Lion of Judah Non-Denominational Church are aware that we may not be able to find a solution for every one of our challenges in life, nor provide an answer that brings comfort and peace to all people as to why we must face illness, loneliness, pain, suffering, trials, tribulations, and death upon the path of life. Yet we can help and encourage each other to learn to acknowledge our problems, and to heal our heart, mind, and soul from the pain and despair from our problems, addictions, selfishness, self-centeredness, prejudices, distorted perceptions, doubts, fears, unloving words, and deeds.
We believe the key to freedom and healing is to be found in our beloved heavenly Father and Mother's gift of choice.
We believe we can help and encourage each other to learn to accept, change, and respect not only our own but that of all other people as well.
We believe that we must truly embrace the divine spirit of true empathy and compassion and seek to refrain from giving hollow sympathy and
hollow words. In we will not ever extinguish the precious and sacred flame of life.
We believe in the teachings of Jesus and the gospel of John which does not embrace the belief that Jesus died for humanity's sins. Further, John's gospel is not filled with denigrating, offending and insulting statements such as, humanity is born in sin, humanity are wretched sinners, humanity are fallen sinners, and humanity is deserving of God's punishment. We believe that Jesus gave His life for universal rights, justice, honor, dignity, freedom, understanding, compassion, forgiveness, and for Shamayin, Malkuth which, in Hebrew means for the kingdom or sovereignty of our beloved heavenly Father and Mother, as our beloved heavenly Father and Mother
are the sole rulers of the universe.
We believe that Jesus bore the inequities of all those who were unloving in their deeds and words, who did not protect the abused, the poor, the ill, the despairing, those in the evening of their days, and caused the people of Israel to suffer imprisonment, slavery, fear, torture, poverty, doubt, loneliness, illness, pain, despair, abuse, oppression, injustice, violence, murder, death, and the confiscation of the land which is under the sole sovereignty of our beloved heavenly Father and Mother. Further we believe in the words of Paul stated in Colossians 2:15, that Jesus defeated, humiliated, made a public spectacle of all spiritual rulers, authorities, addictions, and illness, seeking to cast fear, doubt, despair, pain, slavery, shame, poverty, repression, oppression, violence, murder, and death upon all people by
turning the cross of death into the tree of life.
We believe our church must be and shall remain dedicated to serving all people, rather than demanding and expecting people to serve the church.
We believe that Sunday, the Sabbath, must not be held precious and sacred for only one day of the week. Rather it must be held precious and sacred every day of every week for all the seasons of our lives.
We believe that our church must be and shall remain dedicated to serving, respecting, protecting, encouraging, teaching, and loving all people and also those who are infirm, indigent, physically and emotionally challenged, including all who are in the evening of their days, and find that they are forgotten and alone.
We believe that our church cannot and will not be a blessing in the life of all if we remain in isolation and lock our doors to those who are not in our Christian Church Family.... Scripture teaches that both men and women are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), which means both masculinity and femininity are part of God's nature. Hence women must be respected, valued, and
protected in our society. That is not the case in society today.
The Motherhood aspect of God is vitally important and must be known and understood in order to hold ever precious and sacred the full portrait of Gods heart of tenderness, nurture, care, protection, healing and love. That God has for each person in the world. Further the full Motherhood of God places all women in the light of the dignity and inclusion of our beloved Heavenly Father and Mothers need and want for equal political, economic, judicial rights, and protection for women that must be obtained and maintained if this nation is to full its destiny as an authentic representative, of our beloved heavenly Father and Mothers healing and
serving love to all who yearn to be free.
About Pastor Cristoforo Padula
A very tender welcome from me the founding pastor of The Lion of Judah Non-Denominational Church to you. I am dedicated to sharing, knowing, understanding and loving the meeting of the Hebrew and Christian waters of the life of our beloved heavenly Father and Mother's divine spiritual character, and eternal love.
I am an ordained, certified, licensed pastor with many years experience in premarital, and spiritual counseling with a Master of Science in Addiction Counseling, which is in harmony with the concepts of Orthomolecular Therapy for emotional health, alcoholism, and substance use. I welcome all couples who seek my wedding officiant services for wedding/sacred commitment ceremonies. These services are available in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Washington, DC and West Virginia. I enjoy and am honored to come to your area to officiate in any and all various venues for non-denominational, denominational, religious, non-religious, spiritual, and healing recognition services for the end of marriage, sacred commitment, vow renewal ceremonies, baptisms, baby blessings (an alternative to baptisms), As a Funeral Celebrant I offer memorials (an alternative to funeral services), anointing, and non-denominational church ceremonies. I believe in and have dedicated my life to the Upliftment of Social and Economic Justice for all people without which the world will perish from spiritual death.
"My prayer for you is that
our beloved heavenly Father and Mother
will grant you health, joy, and love
for all the seasons of your life."
Pastor Cristoforo Padula
Maryland Court Appointed Special Advocate
Abused and Neglected Children.